Trees, evergreen. Stems erect; bark gray, smooth; twigs stellate-hairy and with peltate scales, glabrescent. Leaves: stipules deciduous, inconspicuous, filiform; blade ovate, unlobed, base rounded, margins entire. Inflorescences axillary, solitary flowers; involucel cuplike, bractlets persistent or deciduous, 3–5, often obscure or suppressed, connate basally. Flowers: calyx not accrescent, not inflated, lobes unribbed, wide-ovate, apex acute to rounded or irregularly lacerate; corolla wide-campanulate, pink to rose-pink, fading white; staminal column exserted; ovary 5-carpellate; ovules (3–)5–10 per locule; style not branched; stigmas club-shaped. Fruits capsules, erect to pendulous, ovate, 5-locular, somewhat indurate-chartaceous, brown stellate-hairy covered with fine spicules, filled with irritant hairs reminiscent of fiberglass. Seeds (3–)5–10 per locule, glabrous.