Shrub to 5 m tall, lacking lignotubers. Branches, sparse, elongate; young branches shortly pubescent. Leaves with lamina arcuate, linear, 8-20 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, contracted to petiole; margin strongly revolute; apex obtuse. Conflorescence terminal or 2 or 3 together, 7-flowered; bracts numerous; outer bracts c. 3 mm long; inner bracts weak, c. 20 mm long, half length of perianth. Flowers zygomorphic, spreading, not enclosed by bracts. Perianth 30-55 mm long, red, dilated, strongly curved outwards, sparsely pilose; abaxial suture deepest. Hypogynous glands 4, free or partly connate. Style slender, glabrous. Fruit irregularly ovoid, sessile, 8-10 mm long, c. 6 mm wide; beak 4-6 mm long, with 2 low ridges adjacent to suture; sides smooth. Seeds 2, asymmetrically cuneate, c. 8 mm long, c. 4 mm wide, with a very narrow annular wing.