Tree, 12-20m; flush purplish green. Leaves 4-5-jugate, glabrous, 30-50 cm; petiole (2½-)6-10cm; petiolules 1-2 cm; leaflets firmly chartaceous, ovate-oblong, acuminate, oblique with unequal base, 7-19 by 3½-9 cm; nerves 7-11 pairs; beneath with scattered, small, pitted crateriform glands. Thyrses glandular-hairy, 2-3 times cymosely branched, up to 18 cm, sometimes seemingly from old wood reduced to racemiform and rachis 1-3 cm. Bracts ovate-acute, 3-4 mm. Pedicels 1½-2½ cm, with 1-2 pairs of bracteoles 3-5 mm long. Calyx 2-3 cm, with a few glands, rather densely short capitate-glandular hairy; lobes wide-ovate, mucronate, 1-1½ by ¾-l cm. Corolla showy, brilliant orange to apricot, dark purple-red veined, with many small glands and the lobes (and tube) laxly capitate-glandular hairy, 8-10 by 4½-6 cm; lobes ½-2 cm long, 3-3½ cm wide. Stamens 5-7 cm long, inserted near the base of the corolla, at the base densely hairy; staminode 2cm; anthers with free, divaricate cells, not versatile, reflexed, long. Ovary quadrangular-r fusiform, 1 cm long,with large impressed glands, moreover covered by dense, microscopical 1-celled hairs and short-stalked peltate tocapitate-glandular hairs; style 4-6 cm; stigmatic lobes oblong-acuminate, 4 mm.
In Normanby I. forming a community on, a gravel bank behind the beach fronting swamp; forest, near Wanigela in sago swamps, in Rossel I. at 10 m in a rainforest on a stream bank, near Biniguni in poor lowland rainforest at 90 m, in Popondetta in disturbed forest, near Alotau, CRUTTWELL saw a single tree.