Lantana trifolia L.

Threeleaf shrubverbena (en)


Angiosperms > Lamiales > Verbenaceae > Lantana


Shrub or subshrubby herb 0.9–3 m. tall with often purplish adpressed or subadpressed pubescent stems or sometimes the indumentum of short to long ± spreading bristly hairs.. Leaves aromatic, opposite or more usually in whorls of 3(–4), ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate or ovate, ovate-oblong or elliptic, (1.5–)5–14 cm. long, (0.5–)2–6 cm. wide, mostly 2.5–3 times as long as wide, narrowed to an acute or rarely subobtuse apex, ± cuneate at the base, finely crenate or crenate-serrate, glandular, adpressed pubescent to scabrid with tubercle-based hairs above, densely to sparsely puberulous, shortly tomentose, velvety or rarely spreading pilose beneath; venation ± impressed or not impressed above; petiole 2–5 mm. long.. Peduncles 1–2 (i.e. up to 6 per node), 1.5–13 cm. long, mostly shorter than the subtending leaf, elongating somewhat in fruit, the heads of flowers hemispherical, 0.8–1 cm. long, 1.3–1.7 cm. wide, becoming subcylindric in fruit and 1.7–4.5(–5) cm. long; lower bracts lanceolate to narrowly ovate-elliptic or ovate, (0.4–)0.8–1.4 cm. long, (0.6–)3–6.5 mm. wide, long-acuminate or acute, the upper bracts smaller.. Calyx 1.2–2 mm. long, pubescent.. Corolla white, mauve-white, pinkish white, or usually pink or purple, usually with yellow throat; tube 5–7 mm. long, with limb 4–9 mm. wide; lower lip (4–)5–5.5 mm. long and wide.. Drupes mauve to purple, subglobose, 3–3.5 mm. long, 2.5–3 mm. wide; axis of fruiting spike up to 5 cm. long.
Perennial herbs with woody underground stems or subshrubs to 2.5 m high; stems usually appressed-pubescent or strigose, the trichomes short and closely appressed or subappressed to the upper part of the stems. Leaves mostly ternate, usually membranous, oblong-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate or ovate, petiolate, 5-12 cm long, acute or acuminate apically, crenate-serrate, attenuate basally and decurrent into the petiole, often reticulate-rugose above and scabrous or more or less strigose-pubescent, densely resinous-punctate and scattered-puberulent or-strigillose beneath. Inflorescences spicate, subcapitate when young, later cylin-dric and elongating to 4.5 cm long, densely many-flowered; spikes at first sub-globose, 1-1.5 cm in diameter; peduncles slender, usually shorter than or equaling the subtending leaves, 2-10.5 cm long, densely strigose-pubescent, solitary in each leaf-axil; bractlets herbaceous, green, lanceolate or ovate, the lowest to 10 mm long and 3 mm wide, cuspidate-acuminate apically, 5-nerved, strigose above, loosely imbricate, the upper with the cusp about equaling the corolla-tube. Flowers with the corolla pink, lavender, lilac, or purple, the tube 5-6 mm long. Drupes fleshy, purple or lavender, 2-3 mm in diameter.
Leaves aromatic, mostly 3-whorled with some leaves opposite, petiolate; lamina (2.5)5–14 × (1)2–6 cm, mostly 6–8 × 3–4.5 cm, usually 2.5–3 times longer than wide, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, or ovate to ovate-oblong or elliptic, ± attenuate towards the apex and ± acute, ± cuneate at the base and somewhat decurrent into the petiole or sometimes rounded and slightly contracted at the base, closely crenate or crenate-serrate on the margins and 24–34(39) shallowly toothed on each side, membranous to somewhat coriaceous becoming somewhat rigid on drying, ± concolorous, shortly and sparsely hispidulous to strigose on upper surface, becoming ± scabridulous with the tubercle-bases persisting in older leaves, puberulous or shortly tomentose beneath, rarely pilose; venation somewhat impressed above but lamina not bullate ± raised or obscure beneath; petiole slender.
A scrambling shrub. It grows 3 m high. The stems are thin and have hairs. The leaves are in threes. They are oval and taper to the tip. The base is rounded and there are teeth along the edge. They are like sandpaper above. The flowers are usually pink or lilac. They are in spikes on long stalks. They form round heads. The fruit are red or purple berries.
Flowering spikes 0.8–1.0 × 1.3–1.7 cm, hemispheric, up to 1.7–4.5(5) cm and ± cylindrical in fruit; lower bracts 8–12(14) × 3–5(6.5) mm and ovate-elliptic tapering into an attenuate-subulate apex, or 7.5–9.5 × 4–4.5 and ovate with a tapering-acute apex; upper bracts successively smaller; spike-axes up to 5 cm long, with scattered scars.
Branches somewhat 4-angled, often purplish, with internodes 2.5–10 cm long, ± weakly strigose with short ± tubercle-based hairs usually curving or ± appressed antrorse, or somewhat hispid with stouter spreading bristle-like hairs, usually with sessile glands intermixed.
Peduncles usually 1 per leaf axil or sometimes 2 (up to 6 per node), somewhat rigid, straight, slender, 1.5–9(10) cm long at anthesis, usually shorter than the subtending leaf (petiole included), increasing to 11 cm long in fruit.
Corolla usually white (in plants of the Flora Zambesiaca area), sometimes mauvish-white, very light pink, rarely pink or purple with yellow throat; tube 5–6(7) mm long; lower-lip 5–5.5 mm broad.
Perennial herb or subshrub, up to 2.5 m high. Stems appressed-pubescent or strigose. Leaves ternate. Inflorescence elongate, spicate. Flowers pink, lavender, lilac or purple.
A weak-stemmed shrub 0.9–3 m tall, or sometimes a woody subshrub.
A woody herb or subshrub, to about 6 ft. high, sparsely branched
Drupes 3–3.5 × 2.5–3 mm, mauve to purple.
Rugose scabrid leaves in threes
Calyx thinly membranous.
Anthers c. 0.5 mm long.
Flowers pink or mauve
Fruits purple.
Hairy stems
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination entomogamy
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 2.16 - 2.55
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


A tropical plant. It grows in tropical America. It grows in open bushland, and dry forest. In East Africa it grows from sea level to 1900 m altitude. In Kenya it grows on fertile sandy and light clay soils between 900-2,500 m altitude. In Argentina it grows from sea level to 1,000 m above sea level.
Usually in damp thickets, sometimes in low pine forest, rarely in cleared land, at elevations from near sea level to 1,200 metres. Forest and bush edges, disturbed forest and roadsides, growing also in grasslands, bushland, abandoned cultivation
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


The fruit are eaten as a famine food. They are also used for wine. The leaves are used to flavour milk and butter.
Uses animal food environmental use food fuel gene source material medicinal social use wood
Edible fruits leaves
Therapeutic use Ophthalmia (unspecified), Stimulant (unspecified), Rheumatism (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants can be grown from seeds or by cuttings. It can be used as a hedge plant.
Mode cuttings seedlings
Germination duration (days) 42 - 60
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 23
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Lantana trifolia habit picture by Maarten Vanhove (cc-by-sa)


Lantana trifolia leaf picture by Maarten Vanhove (cc-by-sa)
Lantana trifolia leaf picture by Lopes Daniel (cc-by-sa)


Lantana trifolia flower picture by Valero Omar (cc-by-sa)
Lantana trifolia flower picture by Pantoja Santiago Peter (cc-by-sa)
Lantana trifolia flower picture by cristian gaviria londoño (cc-by-sa)


Lantana trifolia fruit picture by Cruz Nivaldo (cc-by-sa)
Lantana trifolia fruit picture by Trap Hers (cc-by-sa)
Lantana trifolia fruit picture by Lopes Daniel (cc-by-sa)


Lantana trifolia world distribution map, present in Angola, Andorra, Benin, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Central African Republic, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Haiti, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Paraguay, Rwanda, Sudan, Suriname, Togo, Thailand, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-0000223429
INPN ID 630006
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Lantana trifolia f. congolensis Lantana celtidifolia Lantana fiebrigii Lantana pilosa Lantana pittieri Lippia schliebenii Lantana cubensis Lantana gogchana Lantana maxima Lantana mearnsii Lantana bipinnatifida Camara trifolia Camara trifolia f. rosea Lantana dubia Lantana dubia Lantana maxima f. alba Lantana trifolia f. trifolia Lantana trifolia f. oppositifolia Lantana trifolia f. hirsuta Lantana trifolia f. rubierensis Lantana fiebrigii var. puberulenta Lantana mearnsii var. congolensis Lantana trifolia var. geminata Lantana trifolia var. quadriverticillata Lantana trifolia var. rigidiuscula Lantana trifolia var. vulgata Lantana undulata var. saltensis Lantana mearnsii var. punctata Camara trifolia var. indica Camara trifolia var. grandifolia Lantana trifolia f. albiflora Lantana trifolia f. brevipes Lantana trifolia f. pluripedunculata Lippia purpurea Lantana annua Lantana trifolia var. trifolia Lantana trifolia