Small diffusely branched shrubs, to 2 m high, with an odor like rhubarb; stems unarmed, smooth; branches and branchlets slender, more or less densely short-pubescent or tomentose with spreading or subappressed trichomes, less so in age. Leaves decussate-opposite; the blades chartaceous, ovate or elliptic-ovate, 1-4 cm long and 7-28 mm wide, mostly acute or subacute apically, rarely short-acuminate or rounded, cuneately narrowed into the petiole basally, regularly crenate with small obtuse and antrorse teeth, mostly reticulate-rugose or bullate and densely pubescent or velutinous above, usually densely and softly canescent-tomentose or velutinous beneath; petioles slender, 1-9 mm long, densely tomen-tose, often winged. Heads hemispheric or slightly ovate-elongate in age; peduncles slender, 1-7.5 cm long, more or less densely short-pubescent with spreading or more rarely subappressed trichomes; bractlets large, conspicuous, membranous, closely imbricate, broadly ovate, the lowermost to 12 mm long and 8 mm wide, subacute or obtuse apically, broadly rounded and sessile, venose, densely ap-pressed-pubescent or velutinous, shorter than the corolla or the lowermost equal-ing or even surpassing it. Flowers with the corolla hypocrateriform, usually white, often yellow in the throat, fragrant, the tube ca. 6 mm long, densely strigose-pubescent, the lobes densely strigose-pubescent outside but glabrate or only minutely appressed-puberulent within. Drupes fleshy, pink, sweet, edible.
A shrub. It grows 1 m tall. The leaves are 2-4 cm long by 1-2 cm wide. The fruit are 3-4 mm across.