A small undershrub; branches slender, erect, glabrous, terete; leaves alternate, erect, linear, acute, 6-9 lin. long, 1.5 lin. wide, glabrous; heads sessile, terminal, few-flowered; involucral leaves ovate, acuminate, 2 lin. wide; calyx densely silky outside; tube 10 lin. long, slender, cylindrical; lobes oblong, obtuse, 4 lin. long, 1 1/4 lin. wide; petals 1/3 lin. long, linear; ovary oblong, compressed, hairy at the top; style as long as the calyx-tube; stigma capitate.
Dwarf shrub, 300-400 mm high; sparsely silvery hairy; many stemmed; stems yellowish. Leaves densely arranged along stems; blade ovate, ± 30 x 6 mm, apex acute, glabrous or pubescent. Flowers: in sessile heads, terminal and axillary when overtopped by young branchlets; petals 5; calyx with tube 12-18 mm long, lemon-yellow to dark yellow; Jun.-Mar.
Small undershrub, 300-400 mm tall. Leaves glabrous or pubescent, linear to elliptic, acute. Flowers in terminal sessile heads. Calyx tube up to 30 mm long. Flowers yellow.