Lathyrus latifolius L.

Perennial pea (en), Pois vivace (fr), Gesse à feuilles larges (fr), Gesse à larges feuilles (fr)


Angiosperms > Fabales > Fabaceae > Lathyrus


Scrambling perennial; stems glabrous, somewhat angled, broadly winged. Lvs glabrous; tendril branched in upper lvs, sometimes reduced and simple in lower lvs; leaflets in 1 pair, narrowly to broadly elliptic, acute to acuminate, 30-100-(120) mm long; veins parallel; stipules ovate-lanceolate with 1-(2) basal lobes, usually c. as wide as or wider than stem, but at least 1/2 as wide ((3)-5-15 mm wide), 15-35 mm long. Infl. > lvs, (4)-8-14-flowered; pedicels 5-12 mm long. Calyx glabrous, slightly or not gibbous at base; calyx teeth somewhat unequal, triangular; lower teeth = or > tube; upper teeth shorter. Corolla usually magenta or purple-pink, rarely white, (15)-20-30 mm long. Pod glabrous, light brown, 10-15-seeded, 60-110 mm long; seeds reddish brown, reticulate-rugose; hilum ⅕-⅓ of circumference.
A climber which grows 1.5-3 m high. It keeps growing from year to year. It has a deep tough root system. The stems are winged. The leaves are blue-green. There are 2 leaflets. They are opposite and sword shaped. They are 3-10 cm long by 1-4 cm wide. They have a small sharp tip at the end. The leaf stalk has wings. There is a tendril at the end of the leaf stalk. It is usually branched. The flowers are pink and in clusters. There are 3-14 flowers in a group. The stalk is 3-15 cm long. The petals are magenta colour. The pods are narrowly oblong. They are 5-10 cm long and 0.6-1 cm wide. There are 10-15 seeds. The pods are smooth and light brown. The seeds are rough and with a net like pattern. They are 6 mm long.
Herbs perennial, to 3 m tall. Stem erect, quadrangular, pubescent or glabrous, winged. Leaves with branched tendril at apex; stipules semisagittate, lanceolate to ovate; leaflets 1-paired, elliptic to elliptic-orbicular, or ovate to linear, (30-)40-150 × 3-50 mm, with parallel veins. Raceme 5-15-flowered. Calyx campanulate, ca. 6 mm, equally 5-toothed. Corolla pur­ple to pink, (15-)20-30 mm. Style twisted. Legume brown, 5-11 cm, glabrous. Seeds 10-15.
Rhizomatous perennial; stems trailing or climbing to 2 m, broadly winged, 5–10 mm wide; stipules ovate or lanceolate, with a basal lobe, 2.5–4 cm; petiole broadly winged; lfls 2, lanceolate to elliptic, 4–8 × 1–3 cm; peduncles 10–20 cm, with a raceme of 4–10 anthocyanic or white fls 1.5–3 cm; cal-lobes very unequal; fr 6–10 cm, 10–15-seeded; 2n=14. Native of s. Europe, tending to escape from cult. esp. toward the s. part of our range. June–Aug.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support climber
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination entomogamy
Spread barochory
Mature width (meter) 0.5 - 1.0
Mature height (meter) 1.5 - 2.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) 0.3
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer
Photosynthetic pathway c3


It is a temperate plant. It is frost hardy. It the tropics it is grown at high altitudes. In Argentina it grows below 500 m above sea level. It suits hardiness zones 5-9.
Hedges, vineyards, fields and uncultivated places.
Light 5-9
Soil humidity 2-5
Soil texture 2-5
Soil acidity 4-8
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-8


The pods and shoots are boiled as a vegetable. The seeds are roasted.
Uses cover plant environmental use forage gene source ornamental poison
Edible leaves pods seeds
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity weak toxic (seed)
Animal toxicity toxic (seed)


Plants can be grown from seeds or rhizomes.
Mode divisions seedlings
Germination duration (days) 20 - 30
Germination temperacture (C°) 16 - 19
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -27
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Lathyrus latifolius habit picture by Elfenbeinspecht (cc-by-sa)
Lathyrus latifolius habit picture by Sabina Hartmann (cc-by-sa)
Lathyrus latifolius habit picture by Cyrille Raynard (cc-by-sa)


Lathyrus latifolius leaf picture by celine horellou (cc-by-sa)
Lathyrus latifolius leaf picture by Silvia Roberta (cc-by-sa)
Lathyrus latifolius leaf picture by MIGUEL CALDERÓN (cc-by-sa)


Lathyrus latifolius flower picture by Encinas Juan Pablo (cc-by-sa)
Lathyrus latifolius flower picture by Sylvain De Weerdt (cc-by-sa)
Lathyrus latifolius flower picture by Encinas Juan Pablo (cc-by-sa)


Lathyrus latifolius fruit picture by Dieter Albrecht (cc-by-sa)
Lathyrus latifolius fruit picture by family thomas (cc-by-sa)
Lathyrus latifolius fruit picture by vivi di benedetto (cc-by-sa)


Lathyrus latifolius world distribution map, present in Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Algeria, Spain, Estonia, France, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Lithuania, Morocco, Moldova (Republic of), Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay, United States of America, Uzbekistan, and South Africa

Conservation status

Lathyrus latifolius threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0000212689
BDTFX ID 37921
INPN ID 105211
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Lathyrus megalanthus Lathyrus longifolius Pisum latifolium Lathyrus sylvestris subsp. latifolius Lathyrus latifolius var. latifolius Lathyrus latifolius var. neglectus Lathyrus sylvestris var. platyphyllos Lathyrus latifolius

Lower taxons

Lathyrus latifolius subsp. algericus Lathyrus latifolius subsp. latifolius Lathyrus latifolius var. genuinus Lathyrus latifolius var. purpureus