axillary racemes, frequently clustered at the nodes, generally shorter than the leaves, appearing with or before the leaves; bracts triangular to subulate, decid-uous by fruiting stage; bracteoles absent. Flowers with hypanthium campanulate, the 5 teeth triangular, often acuminate, mostly as long as or shorter than the cup; petals equal, short-clawed, free except the keel petals united along lower margin at the apex, the standard obcordate, the wing and keel petals oblong, curved; stamens 10, monadelphous, the vexillary stamen fused to staminal sheath for a short distance towards the base, free above and below this; ovary sessile or short stipitate, slender, several-ovulate, the style coiled, the stigma terminal, small. Fruits linear, flattened, few to several seeded, 2-valved; seeds compressed, ob-long to nearly circular.
Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate; rachis grooved; stipels nar-rowly triangular or setaceous, persistent; stipules deciduous. Inflorescences of