Prostrate annual up to 0.3 m wide. Branches sparsely leafy, minutely hirsute. Leaves invariably 3-foliolate, (6-)12-15(-17) mm long; petiole ± as long as the terminal leaflet or slightly longer; leaflets relatively small, oblanceolate to obovate, (3-)5-8(-10) x (1.5-)3-4(-5) mm, base cuneate, apex rounded to truncate, sparsely hirsute on both surfaces. Stipules single at each node, lanceolate to oblong, 3-5 mm x ±1-mm. Inflorescences in terminal heads, the heads discoid (wider than long), 8-20-flowered; peduncle variable in length, 3-28 mm long; bracts large, broadly ovate, 4-5 x 4-5 mm; bracteoles absent. Flowers relatively small, 9-10 mm long, yellow; sessile. Calyx subequally lobed, the sinuses of ± equal depth; lobes narrowly linear, acute. Standard suborbicular, much shorter than the keel; claw 1-2 mm long; lamina ±3 x ±4 mm, without lobes or callosities, pubescent over most of the abaxial surface. Wing petals oblong, shorter than the keel, pubescent along the apex; auricle small, ±0.5 mm long; apex obtuse; sculpturing in 4-5 rows of intercostal lunae, fading into transcostal lamellae towards the auricle. Keel petals oblong, only slightly auriculate; claw ±2.5 mm long; lamina ±6 x ±3 mm, pubescent over most of the surface; apex rounded. Androecium long and narrow; anthers dimorphic; basifixed anthers oblong, slightly longer than the small ovoid dorsifixed anthers; carinal anther similar to dorsifixed anthers. Gynoecium sessile; pistil very small, ovoid-oblong, pubescent, with 2-4 ovules; style long and slender. Pods and seeds unknown.
Like L. globulosa but inflorescence discoid and standard half as long as keel.