Prostrate shrublet up to 0.4 m wide. Branches somewhat woody below, upper parts diffuse and slender, sparsely leafy. Mature parts inconspicuously and minutely pubescent. Leaves (8-)10-20(-28) mm long, digitate, invariably 5-foliolate, minutely pubescent; petiole slender, (4-)6-12(-24) mm long; leaflets narrowly oblanceolate to narrowly oblong, (4-)6-8(-13) mm long, 0.5-2 mm wide, abaxially sparsely and minutely pubescent, adaxially glabrous. Stipules single at each node, small, lanceolate to ovate, up to 3 mm long. Inflorescences leaf-opposed, 1-3(-4)-flowered; peduncle (2-)5-8(-12) mm long; bracts small, linear, ±1 mm long; bracteoles absent. Flowers 9-10 mm long, yellow; pedicel short, 1-2 mm long. Calyx narrowly campanulate, minutely pubescent; lobes long, narrowly acuminate, the upper and lateral lobes on either side fused much higher up in pairs, the lower lobe similar to the upper ones. Standard obovate, as long as the keel; claw 2.5-3 mm long; lamina 6-8 mm long, minutely pubescent on part of the dorsal surface. Wing petals oblong, slightly shorter than the keel, distinctly auriculate, glabrous; apex obtuse; sculpturing in 3-4 rows of intercostal lunae, fading into transcostal lamellae towards the auricle. Keel petals broadly oblong, glabrous; apex obtuse. Pods shortly stipitate, (stipe ±1 mm long), folded like a concertina, 7-15 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, upper suture ± smooth, 5-8-seeded, the seeds on long funicles. Immature seeds suborbicular, testa minutely and sparsely tuberculate.
Like L. digitata but leaflets oblong to narrowly oblanceolate (not linear), flower slightly smaller, 9-10 mm long (not > 12 mm long), standard more hairy, and pod twisted and folded.