Shrub 1-5 m tall; stem not much branched, leafy, non-flowering internodes sometimes present between verticils, inter-nodes 20-80(-110) mm long, velutinous, pilose or patently pubescent, sometimes almost smooth. Leaves petiolate; blade (40-)50-170 x 20-85 mm, broadly ovate to obovate, apex rounded or acute to acuminate, margin crenate with 21-65 teeth/leaf, upper surface usually green with sessile glands, loosely pubescent to densely velvety, rarely almost smooth, lower surface white silvery to yellowish velvety, pubescent or rarely almost smooth, if so then generally densely covered with sessile glands, 5-8 side-veins on each side of midrib; petiole 30-110 mm long. Verticils 28-67 mm in diameter, loose to compact, with 10-18 verticil branches, 6-12 mm long and with 5-19 flowers/branch; pedicels 0.5-7 mm long. Calyx 14-30 mm long, 4-5.5 mm in diameter, curved forwards, shortly pubes-cent to velvety, bilabiate or without lips, 8(-11)-toothed sometimes all teeth obsolete; dorsal calyx tooth 2-14 mm long usually supported by 3 veins, the 3 or 5 lower teeth usually more or less united into a lip 0.5-3 mm long, teeth curved downwards, 0.5-5.5 mm long. Corolla 24-45 mm long, orange-rufous (rarely cream-buff), tube 10-25 mm long with one distinct ring of hairs inside.