Herbs, half-shrubs, or shrubs. Leaves opposite, simple, generally petiolate, pinnately-nerved. Inflorescences verticils, loosely or densely flowered, arranged in open or crowded spikes, or sometimes reduced to a single flower, the bracts leaf-like. Flowers sessile or pedicellate; bracteoles generally not apparent; calyx campanulate, + actinomorphic to weakly bilabiate, ca 10-veined, often membranaceous, enlarg-ing at fruiting time, the teeth sometimes conivent; corolla tubular to campanulate, enclosed or shortly exserted, white, blue, or purple, naked within or a ring of hair-like appendages near the base, weakly bilabiate, the upper lip weakly 2-lobed, the lower 3-lobed, the lobes ? flat; stamens 4, paired, the filaments distinct, the connective not developed, the anthers with two functional thecae, the thecae
diverging or parallel; ovary 4-lobed, the gynobase generally uniform and thick, the style gynobasic, bifid near the tip, the branches ? flattened or awl-shaped. Nutlets 4, attached at the base, ovoid, black or brown, smooth or puberulent.