Tree to 7 m high. Young parts and inflorescence puberulent, otherwise glabrous. Leaf rachis 28–32.5 cm long; leaflets 9 or 10 pairs, narrowly elliptic or ovate-oblong, tapering, acuminate, entire, broadly obtuse and unequal at base, 8–18 cm long, 2–5 cm wide, glabrous except midrib, pellucid-dotted; petiolules 4–8 mm long; petiole 6.5–9 cm long. Panicles ramiflorous, 13–40 cm long, densely flowered; pedicels 3–4 mm long. Calyx lobes 2.5–4 mm long, 2–4 mm wide, membranous. Petals 2.5–3 mm long, c. 2 mm wide, cream. Filaments to 2 mm long. Fruit obovoid, apiculate, 1.3–1.5 cm long, 1.2 cm diam.; calyx lobes usually persistent.