Shrub or tree, 1.5-10(-15) m high, dbh 2-15 cm. Twigs 2.5-20 mm in diam., red when young, later variably brown to silvery grey, smooth or lenticellate, glabrous or sometimes variably fulvous-hairy and glabrescent. Leaves without or sometimes with a rather strongly reduced terminal leaflet, 1-8(-14 1-jugate, 25 cm to more than 1 m long, mostly glabrous; petiole terete or sometimes flattened, 0.5-32 cm long; rachis terete to laterally flattened, in the upper part often marginate to exceptionally narrowly winged; petiolules 0-30 mm; pseudo-stipules very rarely absent, mostly persistent, ovate, obovalte, elliptic, or orbicular, sometimes very oblique, 0.2-10 by 0.1-10 cm, base cordate to obtuse, apex obtuse to rounded or exceptionally furcate, reti-or palmatinerved, rarely penninerved. Leaflets opposite to alternate, ovate-to obovate-obloiig to narrowly lanceolate, 9-40 by 2-12 cm, index 2-9, thin-chartaceous to coriaceous, often greyish above, brown beneath, above with scattered sunken glands, beneath sparsely to densely finely pitteed or exceptionally with minute pitted warts on both faces, glabrous or sometimes beneath hairy mainly on the midrib; base oblique or not, subcordate to acute, mostly attenuate, in oblique leaflets lower half sometimes rounded, upper cuneate; apex obtuse (rarely acute) to acuminate, acumen short, broad, and obtuse to long, slender, and acute, sometimes mucronate; midrib beneath acute (to rounded), nerves 0.8-5 cm apart, angle to midrib 35-75°, straight to curved, none to all looped and joined. Inflorescences (terminal or) axillary to rami-or cauliflorous, solitary or (if cauliflorous) sometimes some together, simple or branched either with some to several ascending long branches from near the base or all over and pyramidal, up to 75 cm long, glabrous; cymes (sub)sessile (rarely up to 1 cm stalked), few-to several-flowered, in the upper part often flowers solitary, sometimes sticky (race 'glandulosa'); pedicels filiform, 0.3-1 (-1.5) cm long. Flowers scentless. Sepals 4-5, outer 2 sometimes smaller, elliptic, orbicular, or obovate, 2-4 by 1.5-3 mm, dark red (rarely yellow to white), margin, especially of the inner ones, petaloid, crenulate to fimbriate-ciliolate, glabrous or very sparsely glandular-ciliolate. Petals 4-5, short-clawed, blade broad-ovate or elliptic to obovate, 1.5-3 by 1-2 mm, dark red (rarely yellow to white), glabrous or rarely claw ciliate or outside hairy; either 2 auricles or 1 small and reflexed scale, scale and auricles ciliate. Stamens 5-8; anthers 1.2-2.2 mm, yellow to white, glabrous or hairy. Ovary 2-or 3(-4)-celled, glabrous; stigma (sub)sessile, slightly lobed. Infructescences with patent, mostly slender, up to 1.5 cm long pedicels. Fruits ovoid, ellipsoid, subglobular, or transversely ellipsoid, rarely distinctly lobed, 1-3 by 0.6-2 by 0.5-2 cm (fresh up to 4 cm in diam.), apparently white when young, dark red to blackish when ripe; fruit-wall thin, apparently fleshy when fresh; septum rarely complete, usually interrupted to (mostly) reduced to a rib all around. Seeds mostly 2, subglobular to semi-ellipsoid, flattened on the axial side, 8-23 by 6-18 by 4-18 mm, hilum orbicular to lanceolate, up to 6 by 3-4 mm.
A small tree. It grows 2-10 m high. The trunk is 2-15 cm across. It can occasionally be a creeper. The bark is grey brown and smooth. The leaves are alternate and compound. The leaves have leaflets along the stalk with one at the end. The flowers are yellow to red and are 6 mm across. They are in groups. The fruit are light red or pink and black if ripe. It is 4 cm across. Fruit and young leaves are eaten.