Plants medium to large, in loose tufts, green to dark green, brown to blackish below; saxicolous. Stems 20-80 mm tall, unbranched, sparsely tomentose; in section round, central strand absent, cortical cells large, thickened, outer cortical cells in 1-3 rows, substereids, reddish; axillary hairs filamentous, 15-16 cells long, hyaline throughout. Leaves crowded, erect to appressed with weakly twisted tips dry, recurved wet, not strongly keeled; ovate-lanceolate, 2.0-2.5 mm long; apex acute; base sheathing; margins recurved to mid-leaf, serrate above. Costa subpercurrent; ventral superficial cells rectangular, smooth, dorsal superficial cells rectangular, smooth; in section reniform, guide cells 2-4, large, ventral stereid band 1-3 cells thick, exposed, dorsal stereid band 2-4 cells thick, dorsal surface cells undifferentiated. Upper laminal cells quadrate to hexagonal or rounded, moderately thickened, not strongly so in corners, papillae numerous, appearing scattered over lumen, low, in section forming a short crown-shaped group over each cell; basal cells moderately defined, short-rectangular, thin-walled, papillae in upper base, weak, scattered. Gemmae on stem, obovoid, to 50 µm long, multicellular, brownish. Sporophytes not known.