Plants large, in loose tufts, green to yellow-green, brown below; terricolous, saxicolous or corticolous. Stems 20-80 mm tall, frequently covered with white tomentum, reddish below; in section round, not fluted, central strand absent, inner cortex large, cells thin-walled, outer 1-2 rows stereids, reddish; axillary hairs 15-16 cells long, filamentous, hyaline throughout. Leaves crowded, erect-spreading, twisted or contorted dry, squarrose to recurved wet, weakly keeled; ovate-lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, 3.0-3.5 mm long; apex acuminate, occasionally acute; base ovate, sheathing; margins narrowly recurved below, plane above, dentate in upper leaf. Costa sub percurrent; ventral superficial cells rectangular, smooth, dorsal superficial cells rectangular, weakly papillose; in section reniform, guide cells 2-4, large, ventral stereid band 1(-2) layers thick, exposed, dorsal stereid band 2-3 layers thick, surface cells not differentiated. Upper laminal cells rounded-quadrate, corners strongly thickened, with 2-4 small, simple papillae scattered over the cell; basal cells moderately differentiated, long-rectangular, slightly thickened, porose. Autoicous. Perigonia lateral; perichaetia terminal; leaves long-sheathing, 9-10 mm long. Seta 12-15 mm long, yellowish; capsule cylindrical, 4 mm long, red-yellow; peristome short, 0.1 mm long, teeth linear, erect, irregular, properistome present; operculum rostrate, 1.5 mm long; calyptra 6 mm long; spores round, 22-25 µm, weakly papillose.