Herb, dioecious, perennial, glabrous, shortly rhizomatous, forming small dense tufts. Cataphylls narrow lanceolate, extending 1–3 cm up the culm, often with a slender erect lamina to 3 cm long. Culms erect to slightly flexuose, terete, mostly unbranched, 25–35 cm long, 1–1.5 mm diam., smooth, internodes 3 or 4; lowest internode 3–5 cm long; upper internodes 5–11 cm. Sheaths caducous, 2.2–4.7 cm long, loose, pale brown; lamina erect, 0.4–4.7 cm long. Inflorescence 4–5 cm long (males); 4–9 cm long (females); lower branch of inflorescence the longest, to c. 3 cm long, often spaced to 7 cm below upper branches; spathes erect though usually weathered, 1–1.5 cm long; floral bracts 2, 2.2–3.0 mm long. Male flowers: tepals lanceolate, rigid, brown; outer tepals longer, 3.0–4.6 mm long; anthers 2.0–2.5 mm long. Female flowers: tepals shorter than males. Seeds globose, white, c. 0.9 mm diam., colliculate with circular raised areas and the surface overlain by a network of low patent plates.