Herb with annual stems from woody perennial rootstock; stems prostrate, up to 0.17 m long, glabrous, branching mostly at base, glabrescent; lobes 1-2 mm long, always shorter than tube, deltoid, acute, very sparsely strigose or glabrescent without, strigoso-tomentose within. Corolla cerise to magenta-pink; standard 8 x 8 mm, very widely obovate to widely depressed-obovate, apex obcordate, base attenuate, cerise with a white patch at the base; wings 6-7 x 2 mm, oblong with a posticous lobe, apex rounded, dark cerise pink; keel 7 x 6 mm, obliquely depressed-obovate, apex blunt, base very shortly clawed, very deep pink, particularly at apex, fading to almost white at base. Gynoecium: ovary 5 mm long, stipitate, elliptic, glabrous; ovules up to 5; style 3 mm long, with a tuft of hairs on each side of the stigma, abaxial hairs longest; stigma asymmetric, rounded. Pods 18 x 9 mm, oblong-ovate, tapering to a point, glabrous. Seeds 3-5.