Rhizome long-scandent, dark brown, 0.5 mm ø, deciduously scaly; scales golden brown, narrowly triangular, to 1.25 mm long, up to 9-seriate at base, scarcely uniseriate at apex. Leaves 1-2 cm apart; petioles dark brown, lustrous, adaxially flattened or sulcate, abaxially terete at base, obtusely or acutely bi-angular above, 1-5 cm long, much shorter than the lamina. Lamina linear, 4-15 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide, narrowed at both ends; rachis brown at the base, upward stramineous, adaxially often quite stramineous, at least above sulcate, abaxially bi-angular. Pinnules c. 15-60 to a side, thinly herbaceous, dark green when dry, spreading or slightly ascending or the basal ones deflexed, the larger ones 4-15 mm long, 2-4 mm wide, 2 to almost 4 times as long as wide, 1/4-elliptic to almost triangular in outline, the upper margin straight or more often outward increasingly convex, deeply incised; larger pinnules with 2-5 primary lobes, the largest one or two forked; segments 0.4-0.8 mm wide near the apex, narrowed to the base, there about half as wide, joined by wings of 0.1-0.3 mm, ± divergent; fertile segments at the apex bi-apiculate, with two lateral horn-like projections of 0.3-0.4 mm, the margin between them subentire, erose, or with similar but shorter projections. Upper pinnules reduced, confluent into a pinnatifid leaf-apex; lower pinnules more remote, scarcely to rather strongly reduced. Veins immersed, evident, single in the lobes. Sori strictly uninerval; indusium pale, brownish, subentire, 0.25-1 mm long, 0.25 mm wide, with straight or slightly concave, laterally convex base, not quite reaching the margin, scarcely reflexed at maturity. Spores pale brown, trilete, smooth, c. 25 μ.