Rhizome short-creeping, c. 0.6 mm ø; scales reddish brown, c. 1/3 cm long, narrowly lanceolate, biseriate at base, the apical uniseriate part consisting of 1-3 cells. Leaves close; petioles 2-4 cm long, somewhat shorter than the lamina, adaxially pale, channelled, abaxially dark brown, sharply bi-angular with narrowly paler edges and flat faces, subterete at base. Lamina herbaceous, olivaceous when dry, ovate with truncate base, to 5-6 cm long, 3-4.5 cm wide, pinnate + deeply pinnatifid, without conform terminal pinna. Major pinnae c. 10 to a side, spreading or slightly ascending, less than their width apart, the larger ones 20 by 7 mm, acuminate, inequilateral, deeply pinnatifid. Segments cuneate to ligular, 2 or in larger pinnae 3 on the acroscopic side, 3-4 by 2 mm, with only a very narrow wing on the opposite, basiscopic side; upper segments of acroscopic and all (or all but one) of basiscopic side narrowly cuneate, all narrowed at base and connected by wings of leaf-tissue; uppermost pinnae and segments reduced, confluent. Apex of segments rounded-truncate, entire or sinuate; sterile segments often subacute. Largest segments often bilobed. Costae evident, stramineous; veins immersed, evident, single or in larger lobes paired, one sometimes forked. Sori uni-to trinerval; indusium greyish, ½-1½ mm long, 0.4 mm wide, suborbicular to oblong, free at the narrowed sides, subentire, not reaching the margin by a little less than its width, not reflexed at maturity. Spores medium brown, trilete, smooth, c. 22 μ.