Rhizome long-scandent, dark reddish brown to black, lustrous, wiry, 0.5-1.25 mm ø; scales deciduous, more persistent at the petiole-bases, elongate-triangular, to c. 8-10-seriate at base. Leaves one to a few cm apart, issuing at about right angles; petioles slender, wiry, less than 1 mm diameter. Lamina much longer than the petiole, linear, simply pinnate; pinnules asymmetrically ovate, semi-elliptic, ligulate, or rounded-trapezoidal, 2-3 times as long as wide; upper margin incised. Upper pinnules gradually and strongly reduced, basal pinnules farther apart and often ± reduced. Sori usually uni-or binerval. Spores pale yellow, trilete, smooth, c. 20-25 μ.