Rhizome short-creeping, 1.5-2 mm ø; scales reddish or yellowish brown, narrowly triangular, to 1.75 mm long, to c. 4-seriate, the uniseriate apex short. Leaves close; petioles stramineous or mottled with age, quadrangular and sulcate, 10-30 cm long, about as long as the lamina. Lamina c. 10-40 cm long, oblong, bipinnate, with 3-9 pinnae to a side and a conform terminal one; primary rachis like the petiole. Pinnae sessile, obliquely ascending, not close, 8-15 cm long, 17-25 mm wide, gradually to rather suddenly narrowed at apex. Secondary rachises stramineous, abaxially bi-angular, with a flat Channel. Pinnules c. 20-45 to a side, herbaceous, mostly pale green when dry, close but usually not contiguous, somewhat ascending; lower margin often concave. Upper/outer margin deeply incised, at least the outer incisions reaching the middle of the pinnule, very oblique. Lobes linear, parallel-sided, the larger ones often forked. Sterile lobes narrowed-rounded at apex, fertile ones often slightly broadened at the sorus, truncate or slightly convex. Upper pinnules gradually and strongly reduced, confluent with the pinnatifid, narrow pinna-apex. Veins immersed, evident. Sori uni-or binerval. Spores very pale brown, trilete, smooth, c. 22 μ.