Pseudobulbs 8–12 × 12–16 mm, green, deeply grooved, covered by papery bracts. Leaves 2 (2 or 3 leaf-like bracts also prominent), 100–150 × 10–15 mm, thin-textured, pale green or yellowish. Racemes often pendulous, 100–200 mm long, 8–20-flowered. Flowers greenish white, yellowish or yellowish green, rarely white, 11–14 × 10–12 mm. Sepals and petals very narrow, widely spreading. Dorsal sepal 7–10 × 1.5 mm. Lateral sepals 7–10 × 1.5 mm. Petals 6–9 × 1 mm. Labellum wedge-shaped when flattened, shallowly bent, 8–11 × 4–5mm, broadly rounded, apical margins notched with short, central point or irregularly toothed. Callus with obscure central ridge.
Widespread and common; growing mainly on mossy trunks and larger branches of trees in sheltered situations in rainforest, humid slopes and gullies in open forest and along stream banks; occasional stunted and bleached plants are found in less congenial situations exposed to sun.