Leaves with the lamina narrowly to very broadly ovate or triangular, up to 25–80 x 15–50 mm., acute to acuminate at the apex, cuneate or truncate to subcordate at the base, ± pubescent on both sides but mainly on the nerves; petiole up to 15–30 mm. long; leaf margin coarsely dentate or serrate; venation prominent, particularly beneath.
Flowers in lax, 2–6(12)–flowered, shortly pedunculate racemes; pedicels up to 5–12 mm. long, ± pubescent; bracts linear, 2–7·5 mm. long, sometimes broadest above the middle; bracteoles usually near the base of the pedicel, linear, up to 1·5 mm. long, often broadened at the tip.
Corolla 13–30 mm. long, white, mauve, or blue with darker markings in throat, with two longitudinal crests in the mouth of the tube, split to the base on the back, glabrous or ± pubescent on the lobes outside, puberulous inside on the bottom of the tube.
Calyx–lobes narrowly triangular or linear, sometimes broadest above the middle, often ± recurved, 2·5–7·5 mm. long, ciliate and often with a few hairs also on the midvein, somewhat gibbous at the base.
Filaments linear, pubescent below except sometimes for the upper one, puberulous inside at the top, connate or almost free above, attached to corolla–tube at the base.
Hypanthium narrowly to broadly obconical, 8–10–nerved, sparsely appressed pubescent in the lower part to spreading pubescent all over.
Anther–tube 2–3 mm. long, all anthers penicillate at the apex, otherwise glabrous or sparsely pubescent on the connectives outside.
Seeds elliptic–oblong to broadly elliptic in outline, somewhat compressed, 0·9–1·2 mm. long, distinctly reticulate, pale brown.
Capsule 8–10–nerved, ± pubescent, with 2 valves 2·5–4 mm. long, inferior part of capsule 4–10 mm. long.
Perennial procumbent or straggling, rarely erect herb up to 70 cm. long, often rooting at lower nodes.
Erect herb, stem decumbent at the base, rooting at the nodes, 1 ft. or more high
Flowers white with purple markings on the throat, anthers blue.
Stems ribbed or narrowly winged, ± pubescent.
Ovary subinferior to semi–inferior.