Flowers in lax terminal and axillary leafy racemes; pedicels up to 6–12 mm. long, finely papillose; upper bracts linear or lanceolate, equalling or shorter than pedicels; bracteoles 0·4–0·5 mm. long, linear, inserted at the base, middle or top of the pedicel.
Anther–tube 0·6–1 mm. long, sparsely pubescent on the back; the two lower anthers each with a tuft of hairs and a hyaline appendage at the apex.
Corolla 4·5–5·5 mm. long, blue or pale blue, split to 1–1·4 mm. from the base on the back, papillose inside on the bottom of the tube.
Capsule obconical, sometimes narrowly so, 8–10–nerved with 2 valves 1·2–2 mm, long, inferior part of capsule 3–4·5 mm. long.
Stem sparsely to much branched, triangular and rather broadly winged, sparsely pubescent or subglabrous below.
Calyx–lobes narrowly triangular, ± spreading, 1·6–4 mm. long, 0·6–1 mm. wide at the base, entire, ciliate.
Seeds elliptic in outline, somewhat compressed, 0·4–0·5 mm. long, very finely striate, brown.
Filaments linear, all pubescent below, attached to the corolla–tube at the base.
Hypanthium obconical, 8–10–nerved, glabrous.
Annual erect herb, 6–25 cm. tall.
Ovary semi–inferior.