Leaves up to 20–70x7–20(30) mm., narrowly elliptic or lanceolate to ovate, gradually narrowing upwards on the stem, acute or obtuse at the apex, gradually or abruptly narrowing below into a petiole–like base, serrate or crenate, sparsely pubescent on both sides or only above, ciliate at the base; venation prominent beneath.
Corolla 4·5–6 mm. long, white with purplish or greenish markings in throat, split practically to the base on the back, shortly pubescent inside on the bottom of the tube.
Stems usually many and much branched, often rooting at lower nodes, triangular with narrowly winged edges, glabrous or sparsely pubescent.
Flowers in lax leafy racemes: pedicels 10–20 mm. long, shorter than or equalling the bracts, glabrous, with minute bracteoles at the base.
Anther–tube 1·2–1·6 mm. long, glabrous on the back, the two lower anthers each with a tuft of hairs and a hyaline appendage at the apex.
Filaments linear, all somewhat pubescent below, connate for most of their length, attached to the corolla–tube at the very base.
Capsule narrowly obconical to subcylindrical, 8–10–nerved, with 2 valves ± 1 mm. long, inferior part of capsule 6–13 mm. long.
Calyx–lobes narrowly triangular to almost filiform, erect or somewhat spreading, 2·5–4(5) mm. long, entire, ciliate.
Seeds broadly elliptic in outline, somewhat compressed, 0·45–0·6 mm. long, striate, brown.
A weak erect or partly decumbent herb, glabrous, 1 ft. or more high
Annual or short–lived perennial, decumbent, 10–75 cm. long.
Hypanthium narrowly obconical, 8–10–nerved, glabrous.
Ovary subinferior.
Flowers white.