Subshrub, 0.15-0.50 m high with erect, round, branched, sparsely hirsute stems, marked with narrow lines from decurrent leaves. Leaves ovate to oval to oblong, 5-15 x 2-8 mm, margins revolute, entire, slightly sinuate or obtusely few-toothed, subcoriaceous; sessile or with very short petioles. Flowers in (1-)few-flowered pedunculate racemes, sometimes axillary, sometimes terminal. Calyx: tube shortly hemispherical; lobes subulate, 3-4 mm long. Corolla violet; tube becoming whitish, appressed-pilose mainly towards apex, 12-15 mm long; upper lobes linear, erect, reclinate; lower lip tripartite, at base with 2 yellowish pleats and obovate lobes. Flowering time all year.
Trailing shrublet to 50 cm. Leaves ovate-elliptic, entire or with 1-3 rounded teeth halfway along each margin. Flowers blue.