Perennial or annual herb, 0.1-1.0 m high, with stem erect or scrambling, branched, ± round, ribbed, glabrous. Leaves broadly ovate or triangular, ± 50 x 40 mm, margins lobed to very broadly toothed, veins protrude beneath; petioles ± 40-60 mm long, broadly winged. Flowers in terminal, few-flowered, secund racemes. Calyx: tube semi-globose, ± 1 x 2 mm; lobes subulate, spreading to geniculate-subrecurved, 3-4 mm long. Corolla white, purplish or pale violet, with 2 crests and yellow in mouth, glabrous, ± 16 mm long; 2 upper lobes oblanceolate, lower lobes obovate. Flowering time mainly Dec.-Mar.
Leaves with the lamina triangular to very broadly ovate, up to 50 x 40 mm., acute to obtuse and mucronulate at the apex, truncate to cordate at the base, ± pubescent on both sides; all leaves with a winged ±, pubescent petiole up to 10–60 mm. long; leaf–margin very coarsely dentate or crenate with mucronulate teeth; venation distinct beneath.
Flowers in lax, up to 6–flowered, pedunculate racemes; pedicels 3–7 mm. long, pubescent; bracts linear, up to 7 mm. long, entire, ± pubescent; bracteoles at or near the base of the pedicel, linear, up to 1 mm. long, often broadened at the tip,:±: pubescent.
Corolla 16–23 mm. long, pale blue to mauvish or white, with two longitudinal crests in the mouth of the tube, split to the base on the back, ± pubescent on the outside of the lobes, puberulous inside on the bottom of the tube.
Anther–tube 2–2·5 mm. long, all anthers densely hairy at the apex, otherwise glabrous or with a few straight hairs on the connectives outside.
Seeds ± broadly elliptic in outline, somewhat compressed, ± 0·7 mm. long, almost smooth, dark brown.
Calyx–lobes narrowly triangular, 3–4·5 mm. long, entire, ± pubescent, somewhat gibbous at the base.
Hypanthium narrowly to broadly obconical, ± 8–nerved, glabrous or ± pubescent.
Capsule ± 8–nerved, glabrous or ± pubescent, with 2 valves ± 3 mm. long.
Annual or perennial (?) ± erect or decumbent herb up to 80 cm. tall.
Stems rather slender, ribbed, glabrous or sparsely pubescent.
Filaments linear, glabrous, connate above.
Ovary semisuperior to subinferior.