Bathyphylls on young plants, with apical lamina continuous with rachis, to 20 cm long with 12-15 pairs pinnae; larger bathyphylls with apical pinna articulate; pinnae of youngest plants with rounded apex, of larger ones acute; acroscopic base broadly subtruncate and sometimes slightly auricled, basiscopic much narrower, rounded; edges toothed only towards apices; texture thin, veins distinct and slightly raised on both surfaces. Sterile acrophylls: stipe short (often only 4 cm); fronds to 75 cm long; middle pinnae at right angles to rachis, sessile, to 15 by 2 cm, basiscopic base rounded to subcordate, a little narrower than subtruncate acroscopic base; edges entire, sometimes sinuate towards apices; texture thin but very firm, veins slightly raised; lower pinnae slightly stalked, their bases symmetrical and subcordate. Fertile pinnae to 15 cm by 4 mm, more commonly smaller, on winged stalks to 2 mm.