Tussocks small, dense. Leaves channelled, semiterete or terete, c. 20-40 cm long, to 1 mm wide, glabrous; apex apiculate to broadly acute; sheath margins intact or scarcely lacerated, white. Inflorescence unbranched; scape exceeding rachis; flowers irregularly grouped at close nodes (some appearing whorled), more distant above. Male rachis c. 1-3.5 cm long; scape 2-6 cm long. Female inflorescence smaller. Bracts conspicuous, longer than flowers, shorter at upper nodes, broad-based, long-attentuate; inner bract regularly present. Flowers yellow or cream, not blackening, sessile or almost so; male 2.5-4 mm long, female c. 4 mm long. Sepals and petals as in Lomandra cylindrica .
Often grows in sandy soils in woodland, sometimes at swamp-margins, or in low scrub or forest on laterite.