Tussocks compact. Leaves semiterete or channelled, 9-30 cm long, 0.5-1 mm wide, somewhat discolorous and papillose-puberulent; apex acute or truncated; sheath margins lacerated, white. Inflorescence with partially to fully recurved scapes, the rachis and flowers thus more or less pendent; branches predominantly opposite or whorled; axes smooth or papillose; flowers separate. Male inflorescence 1/3-1/2 as long as leaves. Female inflorescence smaller. Bracts acuminate, shorter than or equalling pedicels; inner bract regularly present. Flowers greenish-cream and partly red, with a deep receptacle; pedicel rather stout, straight, manifestly articulate near flower. Male flowers depressed-globular, 2-3 mm long; sepals and petals incurved; pedicel 1-2 mm long. Female flowers ellipsoidal, 3-4 mm long; pedicel 1 mm long.