Tree 4.5-9 m. high. Leaves 5-to 9-foliolate; leaflets elliptic-ovate or obovate to oblanceolate-oblong, 6-14 cm. long, 3-7 cm. wide, rounded to cuneate at the base, subacuminate to rounded at the apex, membranous to subcoriaceous, finely strigil-lose, dark green above, glaucescent beneath. Racemes mostly compound, axillary or subfasciculate, sometimes appearing terminal, 9-15 cm. long. Flowers with the calyx cupulate, 3 mm. long, rusty-strigillose, the depressed-deltoid teeth acutish, the lower one longer and acute; petals dark red or maroon; vexillum suborbicular, 10-12 mm. long, yellow or greenish centered, densely silky-strigillose outside with reddish hairs; wing petals oblique-oblong, the claw 2-2.5 mm. long, the blade 7-9 mm. long, slightly strigillose near the base. Legumes short-stipitate, strongly compressed, orbicular to broadly ovate-elliptic or oblong, 2.5-4.5 cm. long, 1.5-2.2 cm. wide, rounded or abruptly acute at base and apex, coriaceous, minutely ap-pressed-pilose, ochraceous, 1-or 2-seeded.