Woody climber or in Madagascar ? a shrub or small tree (fide Baron).. Branchlets with scattered brownish hairs, soon glabrescent, conspicuously lenticellate.. Leaves 12–25 cm. long; stipules linear or lanceolate, 2–3 mm. long, striate, subpersistent; stipels setaceous, 1–2 mm. long; lateral leaflets in 2–4 pairs, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, 5–9 cm. long, 1.8–4.5 cm. wide, markedly acuminate, broadly cuneate to shortly rounded at base, membranous, subglabrous or thinly puberulous beneath, with 6–10 fine curved-ascending lateral nerves on either side and fine laxly reticulate venation.. Panicles terminal and axillary, with numerous slender spreading-ascending primary branches, 12–28 cm. long, rather laxly many-flowered, shortly hairy; bracts lanceolate, up to 4 mm. long, early caducous; bracteoles at top of the 3–5 mm. long pedicel, up to 1.5 mm. long.. Calyx 3–4 mm. long, appressed puberulous; lateral lobes rounded, ± 1 mm. long.. Corolla 8–11 mm. long, purple or (in Madagascar) reddish; standard suborbicular, with small calluses at base of the blade inside, glabrous.. Fruit linear-oblong, rounded at apex, shortly stipitate, thickened and slightly sinuate along the margins, 6–7 cm. long, 1 cm. wide, chartaceous, subglabrous, venose, 4–7-seeded.