Shrub or slender tree about 10 m. high. Leaves 5-to 7-foliolate; leaflets oblong to elliptic, 6-15 cm. long, 2.5-7 cm. wide, rounded or tapering at the base, caudate at the apex, thin-chartaceous, copiously strigose when young, at maturity glabrous or minutely and sparingly strigose beneath, multi-punctate. Racemes axillary, slender, subspiciform, loosely flowered, 6-10 cm. long. Flowers with the calyx cupuliform, 2.5-3 mm. long, minutely tawny-strigose, the teeth (except the broadly deltoid, cari-nal tooth) obsolete; petals purple; vexillum broadly oblong to oblong-obovate, 9 mm. long, reflexed, deeply emarginate and somewhat cucullate at the apex, the lateral margins strongly inflexed, copiously silvery-sericeous without; wing petals oblong, shallowly auriculate, the claw 2.5 mm. long, the blade 6.5 mm. long, gla-brous except for a sericeous, median band. Legumes unknown.