Rhizome shortly creeping, 3-5 mm in diam., densely clothed with spreading black hairs. Juvenile fronds once or twice dichotomous; stipes up to 30 cm to first dichotomy, brown, with short very slender hairs mixed with thick longer multicellular ones; ultimate branches leafy like secondary rachis branches of climbing fronds. Rachis of climbing fronds ca. 2.5 mm in diam., shortly hairy, not winged; primary rachis branches very short, ending in a dormant apex covered with brown hairs (apices of lower primary branches sometimes proliferous); secondary rachis branches 20-30 cm, not winged, shortly hairy, bearing 10-15 pinnae on each side and a similar terminal pinna; sterile pinnae 3.5-7.5 × 1.5-2 cm, apex rather abruptly narrowed and rounded, base truncate or cordate, jointed to a hairy stalk 1-4 mm, sides lobed halfway to costa or more, lobes 4-5 mm wide, oblong with rounded apex, each lobe with a sinuous costule with scattered stiff hairs on both surfaces, costa also with shorter hairs, segment stalks strongly articulate; fertile pinnae like sterile pinnae but distal half or more of each lobe narrowed to ca. 2 mm wide, narrow part (sorophore) 4-10 mm, bearing sporangia on abaxial surface; indusia with scattered stiff hairs; spores finely and evenly verrucose.