Woody herb, erect, to 60 cm high, glabrous. Stems ribbed to winged. Leaves alternate, sessile, lamina narrowly ovate to linear, 0.5–7 cm long, 1–10 mm wide, acute, the base rounded to alternate. Flowers 1–7 in axillary cymes or clusters of cymes, subsessile to stalked; pedicel to 4 mm long. Hypanthium tubular, 4–6 mm deep, c. 1.5 mm wide, furrowed or angled in bud; appendages 4–6, narrowly triangular, c. 1 mm long. Sepals 4–6, triangular, apiculate, c. ⅓ length of epicalyx teeth. Petals 4–6, broadly ovate, 2–4 mm long, pink or purple. Stamens double the number of petals, exserted. Capsule cylindroid, as long as hypanthium.