Plants ca. 1 m tall. Rhizomes short and erect, with dark brown lanceolate scales. Fronds clustered; stipes ca. 50 cm, stramineous, distally glabrous; laminae ovate-lanceolate, similar in length as stipes, 15-30 cm proximally, not tapering to bases, 3-pinnate-pinnatifid, acuminate and pinnatifid at apices; pinnae ca. 15 pairs, opposite, distal ones alternate, spreading, subsessile; proximal pair of pinnae broadly lanceolate, 14-18 × 8-9 cm, bases slightly tapering, truncate, pinnate-pinnatifid, apices acuminate; pinnules of 1-pinnate laminae 15-20 pairs, connected to each other, spreading, proximal ones opposite, distal ones alternate, oblong-lanceolate, 3-4 × ca. 1 cm, bases connected along both sides by narrow wings, partite, acuminate at apices; segments 12-15 pairs, approximate, or obliquely spreading, elliptic, 3.5-4.2 × ca. 2.2 mm, bases decurrent and connected to each other by narrow wings, margins sharply lobate into 3 or 4 crenations, apices rounded; second pair of pinnae of similar size as proximal pair, but not tapering at bases. Veins visible, veinlets 2-or 3-forked, occasionally simple, 3 or 4 pairs per segment. Laminae thinly herbaceous, green when dry, with sparse whitish multicellular spreading acicular hairs abaxially, adaxially with similar short acicular hairs but sparse, costae stramineous, glabrous or subglabrous abaxially, hairy adaxially. Sori small, orbicular, 3 or 4 pairs per segment, attached near ends on acroscopic veinlets forked; indusia small, not very prominent.