Tree 6-25 m by 15-62 cm; twigs glabrous, wrinkled; terminal buds glabrous, sometimes with a tuft of hairs apically; stipules glabrous but the inner margin provided with long hairs. Leaves coriaceous, glabrous, mostly dull, the undersurface sometimes glaucous, obovate or sometimes elliptic, 8.5-18 by 3-7.5 cm; abruptly shortly acuminate with rounded tip, acumen c. 5-10 mm; base cuneate; midrib much prominent below; nerves prominent on the undersurface and less so above, in 8-12 pairs, intramarginal vein rather inconspicuous on the uppersurface, often a second less conspicuous intramarginal vein closer to the margin present; reticulation netted and prominent on the undersurface but less so above, the smaller nerves obscured because the leaves are coriaceous and thus the reticulation rather coarse. Petiole 10-25 mm. Brachyblast 1-3 cm, mostly curved, often terminating a twig of which the upper leaves are reduced or fallen; pedicel absent; spathaceous bracts glabrous, direct under the flower. Outer tepals 3, linear oblong c. 2 cm long; inner tepals c. 15. Stamens 10-12 mm, provided with a connective appendage of hardly the same length; gynophore absent. Fruits ellipsoid, c. 3-4.5 by 2-3.5 cm, no pedicel or gynophore. Scars of perianth and stamens along c. 3 mm of the torus.
Rare, 21 collections in total. As far as recorded often in (coastal) swamp, kerangas, in E. Kalimantan in Agathis forest on sandy waterlogged soil; 0-1000 m. Fr. Feb.-Sept.