Therapeutic use
Abortifacient agents (bark), Anthelmintics (bark), Antipyretics (bark), Antirheumatic agents (bark), Antitussive agents (bark), Aphrodisiacs (bark), Astringents (bark), Bronchitis (bark), Cathartics (bark), Contraceptive agents (bark), Cough (bark), Diuretics (bark), Edema (bark), Exanthema (bark), Expectorants (bark), Fertility agents (bark), Fever (bark), Gastritis (bark), Heart diseases (bark), Hematologic diseases (bark), Hypoglycemic agents (bark), Hypotension (bark), Leprosy (bark), Leukorrhea (bark), Malaria (bark), Menstrual cycle (bark), Menstruation disturbances (bark), General tonic for rejuvenation (bark), Skin diseases (bark), Ulcer (bark), Urination disorders (bark), Diaphoretic (bark), Abortifacient agents (flower), Hair loss (flower), Amenorrhea (flower), Analgesics (flower), Anorexia (flower), Anthelmintics (flower), Anti-bacterial agents (flower), Antiemetics (flower), Antifungal agents (flower), Anti-infective agents, local (flower), Anti-inflammatory agents (flower), Antioxidants (flower), Antipruritics (flower), Antipyretics (flower), Antirheumatic agents (flower), Antitussive agents (flower), Appetite stimulants (flower), Asthenia (flower), Asthma (flower), Bronchitis (flower), Cardiotonic agents (flower), Colic (flower), Common cold (flower), Contraceptive agents (flower), Cough (flower), Demulcents (flower), Diabetes mellitus (flower), Diarrhea (flower), Diuretics (flower), Dysmenorrhea (flower), Dyspepsia (flower), Dysuria (flower), Endophthalmitis (flower), Expectorants (flower), Eye diseases (flower), Fever (flower), Flatulence (flower), Gonorrhea (flower), Gout (flower), Headache (flower), Heart diseases (flower), Helminthiasis (flower), Hemoptysis (flower), Kidney diseases (flower), Leprosy (flower), Malaria (flower), Menstruation-inducing agents (flower), Mosquito control (flower), Nausea (flower), Nasal disease (flower), Pain (flower), Parasympatholytics (flower), Pruritus (flower), General tonic for rejuvenation (flower), Skin diseases (flower), Skin diseases, infectious (flower), Ulcer (flower), Urination disorders (flower), Vertigo (flower), Wound healing (flower), Wounds and injuries (flower), Diaphoretic (flower), Cooling effect on body (flower), Fissure (fruit), Amenorrhea (fruit), Anorexia (fruit), Anthelmintics (fruit), Antiemetics (fruit), Anti-infective agents, local (fruit), Antipruritics (fruit), Antipyretics (fruit), Antitussive agents (fruit), Appetite stimulants (fruit), Asthenia (fruit), Asthma (fruit), Bronchitis (fruit), Cardiotonic agents (fruit), Colic (fruit), Common cold (fruit), Cough (fruit), Diuretics (fruit), Dysmenorrhea (fruit), Dyspepsia (fruit), Endophthalmitis (fruit), Expectorants (fruit), Fever (fruit), Flatulence (fruit), Gonorrhea (fruit), Gout (fruit), Headache (fruit), Heart diseases (fruit), Helminthiasis (fruit), Hemoptysis (fruit), Kidney diseases (fruit), Leprosy (fruit), Malaria (fruit), Menstruation-inducing agents (fruit), Nausea (fruit), Pain (fruit), Parasympatholytics (fruit), Psoriasis (fruit), General tonic for rejuvenation (fruit), Skin diseases (fruit), Ulcer (fruit), Urination disorders (fruit), Vertigo (fruit), Wound healing (fruit), Wounds and injuries (fruit), Diaphoretic (fruit), Cooling effect on body (fruit), Analgesics (leaf), Anthelmintics (leaf), Anti-bacterial agents (leaf), Antirheumatic agents (leaf), Chickenpox (leaf), Colic (leaf), Edema (leaf), Eye diseases (leaf), Nootropic agents (leaf), Ulcer (leaf), Abortifacient agents (root), Abscess (root), Amenorrhea (root), Anti-bacterial agents (root), Antipyretics (root), Astringents (root), Cathartics (root), Contraceptive agents (root), Dysmenorrhea (root), Expectorants (root), Infertility (root), Inflammation (root), Laxatives (root), Menorrhagia (root), Menstruation disturbances (root), Menstruation-inducing agents (root), Pregnancy complications (root), General tonic for rejuvenation (root), Skin diseases (root), Urination disorders (root), Fissure (seed), Anthelmintics (seed), Diet, food, and nutrition (seed), Flatulence (seed), Leech infestation (seed), Liver diseases (seed), Psoriasis (seed), Skin diseases (seed), Stomach diseases (seed), Wound healing (seed), Contraceptive agents (shoot), Abortifacient agents (stem), Antirheumatic agents (stem), Colic (stem), Diuretics (stem), Gout (stem), General tonic for rejuvenation (stem), Wound healing (stem), Alterative (unspecified), Angina (unspecified), Asthma (unspecified), Bronchitis (unspecified), Carbuncle (unspecified), Cephalgia (unspecified), Cholera (unspecified), Cosmetic (unspecified), Cough (unspecified), Demulcent (unspecified), Deobstruent (unspecified), Diuretic (unspecified), Dysentery (unspecified), Dyspepsia (unspecified), Dysuria (unspecified), Emmenagogue (unspecified), Fever (unspecified), Gout (unspecified), Halitosis (unspecified), Malaria (unspecified), Parturition (unspecified), Perfume (unspecified), Phthisis (unspecified), Purgative (unspecified), Renitis (unspecified), Rheumatism (unspecified), Sore (unspecified), Spermatorrhea (unspecified), Stomachic (unspecified), Thirst (unspecified), Tumor(Abdomen) (unspecified), Colic (unspecified), Menorrhagia (unspecified), Ophthalmia (unspecified), Anodyne (unspecified), Tuberculosis (unspecified), Gonorrhea (unspecified), Gravel (unspecified), Hair-Oil (unspecified), Hematochezia (unspecified), Ozoena (unspecified), Puerperium (unspecified), Rinderpest (unspecified), Spasm (unspecified), Stimulant (unspecified), Abortifacient agents (unspecified), Analgesics (unspecified), Anthelmintics (unspecified), Antidotes (unspecified), Antipyretics (unspecified), Antirheumatic agents (unspecified), Dandruff (unspecified), Diarrhea (unspecified), Diuretics (unspecified), Eczema (unspecified), Disorder of ejaculation (unspecified), Flatulence (unspecified), Leprosy (unspecified), Pesticides (unspecified), General tonic for rejuvenation (unspecified), Scabies (unspecified), Scorpion stings (unspecified), Skin diseases (unspecified), Snake bites (unspecified), Tuberculosis, pulmonary (unspecified), Ulcer (unspecified), Urination disorders (unspecified), Wound healing (unspecified), Wounds and injuries (unspecified)