Divaricately-branched shrub to 2 m high, often spinescent, predominantly dioecious. Leaves small, alternate, slender and subterete, mostly 1–4 mm long, sparsely to densely woolly, very shortly spurred at base, frequently caducous. Flowers solitary, occasionally with 2 minute bracteoles. Fruiting perianth straw-coloured when dry, glabrous except sparsely woolly upper perianth; base small, sometimes tumid or produced into a very short hollow stipe; tube hemispherical to turbinate, 1–2 mm high; wing simple, horizontal, c. 8 mm diam., papery, faintly to prominently veined, with a single radial (radicular) slit; upper perianth thick forming a circular convex disc open in centre, sparsely woolly.