Erect perennial to 50 cm high, woody at base. Branches woolly. Leaves fleshy, semiterete, 5–10 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide, appressed-pubescent. Flowers solitary, bisexual, often spicate. Fruiting perianth pubescent all over or only on upper surface, often red when fresh; tube (when fresh) c. 4 mm high, medially constricted, the lower half expanded into an excentric fleshy hollow stipe enclosing the receptacle, upper half shortly turbinate (when dry the lower half shrivels and becomes firm or spongy, the upper half becomes shallowly convex and papery); wing simple horizontal, thin, reticulately veined, c. 10 mm diam. with a single radial slit; upper perianth flat, pubescent.