Lateral sepals spreading, 3.5–4 × 3–4 mm, flabellate, emarginate, with 2 fleshy ridges in the centre, the basal margins thickened, the apical margin denticulate.
Leaves 2–3, the lowermost sheathing, the others sub-opposite at or near the stem base, spreading, up to 6 × 4 cm, ovate, pleated, light green.
Small terrestrial herb 5–10 cm tall; rhizome creeping, but swollen to form cigar-shaped tubers below the erect flowering stems.
Inflorescence c. 12-flowered, up to 9 cm long and c. 1 cm in diameter, cylindrical.
Dorsal sepal 3–4 × 1–1.5 mm, lanceolate; apex rounded, erect or slightly recurved.
Flowers c. 6 mm in diameter, translucent yellow-green.
Column 1 mm long.