Origin: at Angers, France, by Natl. Inst. Agr. Res. A radiation mutant of Golden Delicious; selected by L. Decourtye. Introd. in 1977; assigned to Agr. Obtentions, Guyancourt, France. Trademarked in the U.S. by Hilltop Nurseries, Hartford, Mich. Tree: more vigorous than Golden Delicious; growth habit more leggy, with some barewood; less productive; less tendency to overcrop; susceptible to powdery mildew. Fruit: most resembles Golden Delicious; medium; strong yellow color, sometimes with red blush; conical, typier than Golden Delicious; little or no russet; skin tougher, smoother, waxier than Golden Delicious; flesh and flavor same as Golden Delicious. Better resistance to bruising than Golden Delicious. Harvest 10 to 15 days after Golden Delicious; longer storage life.