A high-quality, yellow, winter apple resistant to apple scab and powdery mildew, orig. in West Lafayette, Ind., by a cooperative breeding program consisting of the Agricultural Expt. Stations of Indiana, New Jersey, and Illinois. Introd. in 1993 by J.A. Crosby, J. Janick, P.C. Pecknold, Joseph Goffreda, and S.S. Korban. USPP 9392; 5 Dec. 1995; assigned to Purdue Res. Foundation, West Lafayettte, Ind. Parentage: Golden Delicious × Co-op 17 (Co-op 17 has complex parentage, including Winesap). Tested as PRI 2750-6. Origin: Tree: moderately vigorous, semi-spur with strong central leader. Immune to apple scab (Vf gene); moderately resistant to fire blight; susceptible to cedar apple rust; moderately tolerant to powdery mildew. Fruit: size medium, typically 65 to 75 mm (requires thinning); larger in warmer areas; skin deep yellow, non waxy, thin, conspicuous russeted lenticels. Flesh pale yellow, very firm, medium coarse, crisp, breaking, juicy; flavor tart at harvest, developing very rich, well-balanced flavor after a few weeks in storage. Harvest season 25 days after Delicious; outstanding storage life.