Origin: in Summerland, British Columbia, Canada, by R.C. Palmer, Canada Dept. Agr., Res. Sta. Introd. in 1939. McIntosh × Grimes Golden; cross made in 1926; original tree planted in 1928; first fruited in 1934; selected in 1936 by A.J. Mann. Tree: vigorous; as hardy as McIntosh. Named in 1939 in honor of the British Columbia Fruit Growers’ Association’s Golden Jubilee Convention. Fruit: medium to large; oblong conic to oblate; skin yellow, overspread with deep red, similar to Baldwin; flesh creamcolored, firm, crisp, buttery, juicy, flavor mild, subacid, quality fair to good; ripens 3 weeks after McIntosh; stores well until February.