Similar to Gala but larger, more intensely flavored, fruit less prone to cracking, with resistance to apple scab. Origin: Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti, Comacchio, Italy by M. Leis, A. Martinelli, F. Tagliani, D. Azzolini, P. Castagnoli, and A. Castagnoli. Co-op 25 × CIVCP-142; selected 2000; USPP 25,890; 15 Sept. 2015. Tree: vigor medium to low, with spreading habit, bearing on long shoots and spurs on 2-3-year-old shoots; precocious and highly productive. Fruit: globose, regular; 87 mm height × 80 mm diameter; skin smooth or slightly rough, with little bloom or greasiness; solid red blush with weak stripes over yellow-green ground color; very firm; crisp; juicy; soluble solids high, 14 °Brix; aroma intense; stores up to 7 months in controlled atmosphere.