High coloring fruit with low chilling requirement and resistance to scab, glomerella leaf spot and spider mite. Origin: Epagri/Cacador Experimental Station at Cacador, Santa Catarina, Brazil by Fr. Denardi and A.P. Camilo. Gala × Malus 4; USPP 23,003; 4 Sept. 2012. Tree: medium vigor with ramified, spreading habit; resistance to scab (Vf/Rvi6), leaf spot and bitter rot caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi). Fruit: conical with absent to weak ribbing and crowning, 74 mm diameter, 80-100% blush red-purple overcolor, yellow-white ground color and moderate greasiness; firm, fine flesh with weak aroma, medium sugar, medium to high acidity and juiciness.