Origin: in Caçador, Santa Catarina, Brazil, by F. Denardi, L.F. Hough, and AP. Camilo, Santa Catarina Expt. Station. Introd. in 1988. NJ56 (NJ440249 × NJ39) × Anna; crossed in 1977; ancestry includes Adassia Red, Golden Delicious, Edgewood, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Yellow Newtown, Red Rome, and Jonathan. Selected in Brazil in 1984. Tree: moderately vigorous with strong, uprightspreading lateral branches; chilling requirement low, similar to Anna, about 400 h below 7 °C; flowering, 3 to 4 weeks after Anna; highly productive; precocious cropping; fruit hang well after fully ripened; susceptible to apple scab and powdery mildew. Fruit: average weight 160 g; shape round, crowns at calyx end; nearly 100% red over a yellow ground, no russet, attractive; flesh whitishcream, firm, juicy; flavor sweet, subacid; harvest early, 3 to 4 weeks after Anna.