Late-midseason, medium size fruit, alternative to Jonathan with multiple disease resistance. Origin: Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary by M. Tóth, G. Ficzek, I. Király, S. Koavács, M. Hevesi, J. Halász, and Z. Szani. Selected as MR-03 from the cross All Red Jonathan × Prima made in 1992. HortScience 47:1795-1800. Tree: medium vigor, with strong central leader and spreading habit, bears fruit on both spurs and long shoots; precocious, annual bearing and highly productive; resistance (Vf/ Rvi6) to apple scab, powdery mildew and fireblight (shoot infection). Fruit: conic, 60 mm height × 73 mm diameter, strong greasiness, nearly 100% dark red blush and faint stripes over yellow-green ground color; flesh is semi-firm, fine textured, subacid with weak aroma, can exhibit lenticel breakdown and Jonathan-spot disorders in storage.