The most popular cultivar in Australian markets. Origin: Australia. Tree: large, vigorous with spreading canopy. Fruit: yellow with an orange-red blush on the shoulder, round-ovate with flattened base, with a slight beak, 105–130 mm long by 85–96 mm broad by 75–85 mm thick, weighing 350–750 g, skin thick, tender and adherent, flesh soft and juicy, with moderate to little fiber, yellow, sweet with a characteristic flavor, bears well. Unusually susceptible locally, in Florida, to damage by red-banded thrips [Selenothrips rubricinctus (Giard)], and may be killed by this pest without adequate treatment. Moderately susceptible to anthracnose and bacterial spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. Mangiferae indicae).